Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Qu'est-ce qu'un bon prétexte qu'elle m'a donné avant
Je suis tellement furax!
Feeling brisé en milliards de pièces
J'ai effectivement perdu mon coeur
Je ne peux pas entendre mon cœur battre
Mon cœur est totalement


pas d'humeur pour rien
Je sais que je ne devrait pas tomber pour vous


Friday, February 5, 2010

Confused , totally


Mais comment ça se fait que je vais tomber en amour avec une fille?


Ce qui m'est arrivé récemment

Je m'ennuie d'elle

Je lui ai soins

Je l'adore


ne peut pas accepter que je tombe réellement pour vous


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spent a few hours at MCD with classmate ~ ><

whee-hee ....
went to greenlane MCD on 17th Nov
-with classmates-
We planned to go MCD last week ...
we tried to invite all the students of 4S4 .
but failed ...
some of them can't go ,
most of them no transport ....
non-of us invite that BITCH ...
poor thing ^3^
*xxx teacher said :"If she go , the party is Absolutely RUINED !!! "
*xxx student said :"Teacher, IF she go !!! I refused to GO. !!! "
So we end up not calling HER ...
=After School=
we ran to MCD under the hot sun !!!
Abo-bloody-lutely Fu*king Hot !!!
But we don't care as we reach MCD ^^
There was loads of people there
so --> no place for us to seat !!!
But luckily my cousins and my bro went there too ...
so i seat with them (abandoned my friends T.T )
may them forgive me ... ahha

p.s : so happy without that annoying B.I.T.C.H !!!
Fuck Off You This Arse-Hole !!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brown eyed

Brown coloured eye ~

Brown eyed people tend to be very passionate and devoted when they have something they like something. They love deeply, however it may be a little difficult to get their heart. But once you have it it's yours for life. They like to get out and have fun with friends, but also enjoy nights at home curled up with a good book. Outspoken and opinionated, but very nice people.

p/s : damn accurate ....
it's true for me but if it is not accurate to whom had brown eye, sorry then


Long enough i had not update my blog ~ xD
I have no idea what to update
so i prefer to neglect it =.="

I spent half of the day at Tzu Chi ~
Helping them with the moon-cake thingy
Bored enough !!!!
I plead my parents to bring me back with shit loads of excuse ....
They bring me home finally ^^ didn't waste my energy on pleading them,ahha
I wont step into Tzu Chi again ... i mean it

Saturday, September 5, 2009





p/s : thanks to my chinese teacher who share this poem with us ....
thanks to her again although i Hate her much =.=

Friday, August 14, 2009

That's me <3

TAURUS (The Tramp)
Aggressive.. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!
