whee-hee ....went to greenlane MCD on 17th Nov
-with classmates-
We planned to go MCD last week ...
we tried to invite all the students of 4S4 .
but failed ...
some of them can't go ,
most of them no transport ....
non-of us invite that BITCH ...
poor thing ^3^
*xxx teacher said :"If she go , the party is Absolutely RUINED !!! "
*xxx student said :"Teacher, IF she go !!! I refused to GO. !!! "
So we end up not calling HER ...
=After School=
we ran to MCD under the hot sun !!!
Abo-bloody-lutely Fu*king Hot !!!
But we don't care as we reach MCD ^^
There was loads of people there
so --> no place for us to seat !!!
But luckily my cousins and my bro went there too ...
so i seat with them (abandoned my friends T.T )
may them forgive me ... ahha
p.s : so happy without that annoying B.I.T.C.H !!!
Fuck Off You This Arse-Hole !!!